Organizations We Support

Critical to Hero Shop’s mission is that it does not exist in a bubble. We consider it our responsibility to support the Bay Area organizations that support our communities most in need. We encourage you to learn more about some of our favorites and get involved. 

Raphael House A wonderful organization providing temporary housing, job and education assistance to families in need. 

826 Valencia A delightfully imaginative after-school education program focused on literacy and publishing, founded by acclaimed author Dave Eggers.

Larkin Street Youth Services A safe space for teens and young adults that also offers a number of education and vocational programs.

Compass Family Services Helps to house at-risk families and work with them to become financially self-sufficient.

Headlands Center for the Arts Situated in a campus of artist-renovated military buildings in the Marin Headlands, Headlands hosts an internationally recognized artist-in-residence program, and interdisciplinary public programs. 

Creative Growth Based in Oakland, the studio advances the inclusion of artists with developmental disabilities in contemporary art and strengthens community by providing a supportive studio environment and gallery representation.